Resources for Prenatal Education
Books, DVDs, and Periodicals Promoting Mother and Baby Friendly Care
Books | DVDs | Periodicals | Where to order
Cesarean and Vaginal Birth After Cesarean

Kristen Fergusen
Silent Knife: Cesarean Prevention and Vaginal Birth After Cesarean
Nancy Wainer Cohen and Lois Estner
Understanding the Dangers of Cesarean Birth
Nicette Jukelevics, MA, ICCE
Artemis Speaks
Nan Koehler
The VBAC Companion: The Expectant Mother’s Guide to Vaginal Birth After Cesarean
Diane Korte
Sit Up and Take Notice! Positioning Yourself for A Better Birth
Pauline Scott
Cultural and Historical Aspects of Childbirth
Pushed: The Painful Truth About Childbirth and Maternity Care In America
Jennifer Block
Midwifery and Childbirth In America
Judith Pence Rooks
Immaculate Deception II
Suzanne Arms
Birth In Four Cultures: Holland, Sweden, The Yucatan and The United States
Brigitte Jordan
Pursuing the Birth Machine
Marsden Wagner, M.D.,MSPH
Rediscovering Birth
Shiela Kitzinger
The American Way of Birth
Jessica Mitford
Birth Reborn
Michel Odent M.D.
Birth As An American Rite of Passage
Robbie Davis-Floyd Ph.D
Childbirth Preparation (Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Aspects)
Childbirth Without Fear: The Original Approach to Natural Childbirth
Grantly Dick-Read, M.D.
Natural Childbirth The Bradley Way
Rosegg & McCutcheon-Rosegg
Active Birth
Janet Balaskas
The Complete Book of Pregnancy and Childbirth
Shiela Kitzinger
Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Newborn: The Complete Guide
Penny Simkin, P.T.,Janet Whalley, R.N., B.S.N., Ann Keppler, R.N., M.N.
Spiritual Midwifery
Ina May Gaskin and The Farm Midwives
Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth
Ina May Gaskin, CPM
Special Delivery: A Guide to Creating the Birth You Want
Rahima Baldwin
Pregnant Feelings: Developing Trust In Birth, A Workbook for Pregnant Women and their Partners
Rahima Baldwin and Terra Palamarini-Richardson
Transformation Through Birth
Claudia Panuthos
Birthing Normally: A Personal Growth Approach to Childbirth
Gayle Peterson
Birthing From Within
Pam England & Rob Horowitz
Woman to Mother
Vangie Bergum
Childbirth Choices
The Birth Center
Victor and Salee Berman
A Good Birth, A Safe Birth
Korte & Scaer
Gentle Birth Choices
Barbara Harper, CNM
The Waterbirth Book
Janet Balaskas
Homebirth: The Essential Guide to Giving Birth Outside the Hospital
Shiela Kitzinger
Home Birth
Alice Gilgoff
Labor Support and Doulas
Mothering the Mother
Kennel and Klaus
The Doula Book
Kennel and Klaus
Mind Over Birth
Carl Jones
The Birth Partner: Everything You Need to Know to Help a Woman Through Childbirth
Penny Simkin, P.T.
The Milk of Human Kindness
Selma James, et. al.
The Nursing Mother’s Companion
Kathleen Huggins
The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding
La Leche League International
The Breastfeeding Answer Book
La Leche League International
The Experience of Breastfeeding
Shiela Kitzinger
Breastfeeding Pure and Simple
La Leche League
So That’s What They’re For: Breastfeeding Basics
Janet Tamaro
The Breastfeeding Book: Everything You Need to Know About Nursing Your Child From Birth Through Weaning
William Sears, M.D. and Martha Sears, R.N.
The Politics of Breastfeeding
Gabrielle Palmer
“Mothering Magazine”
PO Box 1690
Santa Fe, NM 87504
Mothering Magazine
“Midwifery Today”
PO Box 2672
Eugene, OR 97402
Midwifery Today
“The Journal of Perinatal Education” (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lamaze International
“Gentle Birth Choices”
Both book and video available through Waterbirth International and Injoy Videos. Progressive, inspiring video features six births in water, including a vaginal birth after two cesareans, in birth centers and at home. Emphasizes the safety of birth outside the hospital and dispells myths about the benefit of routine use of medical interventions such as Electronic Fetal Monitors.
“Born In Water”
Also Available through Waterbirth International this is a beautiful and emotionally moving video that depicts the sensuality, intimacy and gentleness of family-centered waterbirth. Filmed at Andaluz Birth Center in South America and homebirths in Portland, OR (Spanish and English).
“Water Babies: The Aquanatal Experience in Ostend”
“This video explores the waterbirth experience in a small state hospital in Belgium, just two hours outside of Brussels. Dr. Herman Ponette, an early waterbirth pioneer, discusses his view of labor and birth in water. He facilitates the birth of a breech baby in water and then twins. Midwives discuss the incredible experience and mothers and fathers add their comments. Scenes of prenatal aquatic exercise classes and infant swim training round out this incredible video tape.” (Quoted from the Waterbirth International website, where the video can be ordered).
“Birth Into Being: The Russian Waterbirth Expereince”
“Five totally natural waterbirths, including families birthing in the Black Sea and home births in a hand-made clear birthing pool are combined with the haunting music of Paul Winter. Barbara Harper, world waterbirth expert, along with Russian-born visionary, Elena Tonetti, went to Russia and brought back the footage to produce into this amazing video. “Incredible” says Midwifery Today Magazine. “Outstanding” says author Roberta Scaer (A Good Birth a Safe Birth) This is a fund-raising effort by Global Maternal/Child Health Association, as 50% of the profits will go back to Russia to aid with the home birth and waterbirth movement. Do your part to help support the Russian midwives. Order a copy today.” You have seen nothing like this: women birthing in the open sea, infants swimming with wild dolphins! It will blow your mind! (Quoted from the Waterbirth International website, where the video can be ordered).
“Birth Day”
“This video is the birth of Tamaya Okumura Vinaver, filmed on location in Xalapa, Mexico in the spring of 1999. It was originally made for the Boston Museum of Science’s ‘Reproductive Exhibit’. Naoli beautifully narrates her labor, birth and early post-partum. The descriptions of her contracting belly are like poetry, as we watch her pick fresh herbs from her garden, serve lunch and then surrender to her labor in the Japanese-style bath tub. The older children watch and then join their new sister and parents in the tub. This video is short, but very powerful in communicating the power and beauty of home waterbirth.” (Spanish and English) (Quoted from the Waterbirth International website, where the video can be ordered).
“Spiritual Midwifery”
Companion book by same name available. In this video, a compilation of births attended by The Farm Midwives over twenty years, shows how The Farm Maternity Center has impacted the childbirth scene in America by training midwives and delivering babies at home with remarkable maternal and infant outcomes since the 1970s. Features many births and interviews with The Farm Midwives. (Available at The Farm Website).
“Home Delivery”
Follows several families as they make the choice to have homebirths and prepare for the experience by maintaining their multicultural traditions. Filmed in New York City, includes families of African, Carribean and European ancestry.
Choices in Childbirth – Political and Social Aspects
“Orgasmic Birth”
Joyous, sensuous, revolutionary: Orgasmic Birth captures stunning moments of women riding waves of pleasure in the ecstatic release of childbirth. Orgasmic Birth is a documentary that examines the intimate nature of birth and the powerful role it plays in women’s lives when they are permitted to experience it. This documentary asks viewers to reexamine everything they thought they knew about giving birth and the potential it holds. Undisturbed birth is revealed as an integral part of woman’s sexuality and a widely neglected human right. Witness the passion in this everyday miracle. To order; go to
Also watch extra feature on the orgasmic birth website: “Birth by the Numbers” with Perinatal Epidemiologist Dr. Eugene DeClerq, Ph.D. of Boston University.
“The Business of Being Born”
The movie, featuring actress Ricki Lake and filmmaker Abby Epstein, examines the way American women have babies, and reveals surprising insights into birth and shocking statistics on the current U.S. maternity care system.
DVD is available on NetFlix for rental and online viewing. Add The Business of Being Born to your NetFlix queue. Visit:
Also, visit the Lamaze Web site to listen to the podcast interview with Ricki Lake on the business of birth, conducted by Lamaze International President Allison Walsh, IBCLC, LCCE, FACCE. Ricki, best known as an actress and former talk show host, has become an outspoken advocate for women’s rights in birth.
ACNM Talks with Cara Muhlhahn, CNM, Midwife Featured in:
“Born in the USA”
This documentary by Ken Schneider and Marcia Jarmel explores issues surrounding childbirth in America through the eyes of three caregivers including an obstetrician working at a teaching hospital in Philadelphia, a Licensed Midwife in Washington State doing homebirths, and a Certified Nurse Midwife working in the South Bronx, NY neighborhood of Morris Heights who delivers the midwifery model of maternity care to an underprivileged community.”The film raises questions about technology, quality of care, and the external factors that impact our experience of childbirth.” (Qouted from cover of video). A very thought provoking film that subtly demonstrates the differences between the midwifery and medical approaches to maternity care and their impacts on mothers, fathers and infants. This is a MUST SEE for all expectant parents who are considering hospital birth! (Available through Patchworks Productions). Read review by Aria Hanna on this website at: <a href=””>Empowered-Birth/ Birth-Tales </A>
“Once A Cesearean: Vaginal Birth After Cesearean”
This is an amazing film that shows a woman having a breech vaginal birth after cesearean (VBAC) with Dr. Leo Sorger of Boston. The woman is supported by a doula and her husband, and there are informative interviews with obstetricians with opposing views on vaginal birth after cesearean (both pro and con) and with Nancy Wainer-Cohen, “mother” of the VBAC movement. This footage is amazing! A MUST for anyone considering VBAC or breech vaginal birth.
“Special Delivery”
Features three births: one at home, one in freestanding birth center, and one in the hospital, with positive use of an epidural. Emphasizes developing trust in birth and making informed choices to manifest the birth you desire, hosted by Rahima Baldwin, midwife/author of companion book by same name. (Available through Informed Homebirth or ).
“Preparation for the Unexpected Cesearean”
Filmed from the perspective of the birthing mother, this film expresses the factual and emotional issues encountered during an unexpected cesarean birth. Recommended for women who know that they must have a planned cesearean as well, with optional footage at end of film of an actual c-section (Available from Injoy Videos).
History of Childbirth and Midwifery
“The Timeless Way: A History of Birth from Ancient to Modern Times”
This video takes viewers on a journey from ancient times to the present showing how women in all countries and time periods have given birth. Documented in birth art and artifacts (sculptures, drawings and ancient tribal paintings) “the classic pose” is shown: with the birthing woman in an upright position with a helper in front and a helper behind, which “points towards a human way of giving birth”. Explores childbirth practices in Europe, Africa and Asia throughout the middle ages and renaissance eras, describes birthing practices in America in the pioneer days through present times, exploring the evolution from woman-centered, midwife-attended childbirth to the modern doctor-centered system. Discusses the origins of the natural childbirth movement and the resurgence of midwifery, through which women reclaimed the ancient practices of woman-centered childbirth. Inspires women to consider these tried and true ways of giving birth, giving examples of how to carry on these traditions when giving birth in hospitals. (Available from Injoy Videos).
Childbirth Education and Labor Support/Doulas
“Blessing the Way: A Ritual Celebration of Pregnancy and Birth”
This documentary by Laura Scheerer Whitney, anthropologist and childbirth educator, “explores ‘the blessingway’ ritual as a tool for healing and transformation during pregnancy. Weaving the heart-warming stories of two expectant mothers, each facing unique emotional challenges in their pregnancies, the film shows how the blessingway ceremony addressed their fears and paved the way to joyful birth. As an alternative to the American baby shower, the blessingway celebrates the journey into motherhood by creating a safe and sacred space for family and friends to deeply nurture the mother, not with material gifts, but with gifts from the heart. The film provides both inspiration and instruction to anyone yearning to create heart-felt ceremonies honoring the sacredness of all life passages.” (Qouted from video cover). Filmed on location in Topanga Canyon, CA. (Available at Sage Mountain Films Website).
“Special Women: How a Labor Assistant Makes Birth Safer, More Satisfying and Less Expensive”
Hosted by Paulina Perez, RN/Doula, a perinatal nurse and board member of Doulas of North America, this inspiring video enlightens parents and professionals alike on the advantages of Professional Labor Assistants. Resources for finding a Labor Assistant in your area are included, as well as a special section for those interested in pursuing a career as a Professional Labor Assistant. Shows several births attended by doulas with women discussing how the presence of a professional labor companion helped them achieve the birth they desired. (Available from Injoy Videos or Cutting Edge Press).
“Understanding Birth: A Comprehensive Guide”
This all-in-one video gives information on pregnancy, birth, and postpartum depicts unmedicated, epidural, and cesarean births. Provides current information on interventions and prevention strategies, state-of-the-art labor animation, shows comfort techniques a newborn procedures, tests, bonding, and breastfeeding. (Available from Injoy Videos.)
“The Stages of Labor: A Visual Guide”
Using state of the art 3-D computer animation, this video shows the process of birth from early labor through delivery of the placenta, interspersed with footage of women giving birth in the hospital. You will be very clear on how the process of birth works after watching this video.(Available from Injoy Videos).
“Baby-Led Breastfeeding: The Mother-Baby Dance” with Dr. Christian M. Smillie, MD (available from Geddes Production)
Available in English, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, German, Chinese and Dutch
Let Baby Lead the Way…
In Baby-Led Breastfeeding, we see mothers learning to breastfeed naturally−by letting their babies show them how. Like kittens and puppies, human babies are already hardwired to seek out and find the breast. In this video we see just how babies can do it−when we get out of the babies’ way. We also see Kittie Frantz, RN, CPNP-PC, who now uses this same approach in her own practice.
“We don’t have to make our babies learn to feed−we just allow them to follow their instincts to learn.” – from Geddes Production website
Biological Nurturing®
“Laid Back Breastfeeding For Mothers” By Suzanne Colson, Ph.D (Available through Geddes Production)
Available in Espanol and Francais
“For mothers, lactation consultants, nurses, midwives, childbirth educators, WIC breastfeeding counselors, and others who work with breastfeeding mothers. This 28-minute DVD introduces laid-back positions that help mothers breastfeed in greater comfort and enjoy their babies more. In the past, postpartum mothers were instructed to breastfeed lying on their side or sitting up with baby supported by a pillow. This worked for some mothers but many found these positions uncomfortable and struggled with latching difficulties. You will see ethnically diverse mothers and babies in a variety of settings: a delivery room, a postpartum hospital room after a cesarean birth, at home in bed, on a couch, in different chairs, and in an outdoor café. Each environment illustrates a different aspect of how Biological Nurturing makes early mothering and breastfeeding easier and more satisfying. These positions work in harmony with gravity to reduce the “work” of breastfeeding, making it easier to let baby nurse as long as he needs to while mother achieves complete relaxation and greater oxytocin release.” – From Geddes Production Website
“Delivery Self Attachment”
This awesome video depicts a newborn’s ability at birth to crawl up the the breast and attach herself unassisted. If you ever wondered if pain medications given to mothers for childbirth affect babies, you will have no doubt they do after you see this film! (Available from Cutting Edge Press).
“Breast Is Best”
This beautiful and informative film made in Norway covers all aspects of breastfeeding including latch and positioning, pumping and storage, hand expression of milk, nursing preemies, twins and toddlers and dealing with common concerns such as mastitis. Unlike American breastfeeding films, it also depicts the sensuality of breastfeeding and shows the close bond between breastfeeding babies and mothers.(Norwegian and English). (Available from The Farm Bookstore).
“Kangaroo Mother Care”
In this video, Dr. Nils Bergman says kangaroo mother care (wearing the baby) is for all babies but especially premature ones. The video summarizes research and evidence to prove that the newborn thrives best on the mother’s chest. (Available from Cutting Edge Press).
Cascade Midwifery and Childbirth Bookstore
Injoy Birth and Parenting Videos
International Childbirth Education Association – ICEA
The Farm Book Publishing Company go here to view all The Farm businesses, The Farm Community (including Permaculture Education and Midwifery Workshops) and the Midwifery Practice located in Summertown, Tennessee.
La Leche League Store (Breastfeeding books, videos, publications and products).
Geddes Productions – DVDs on breastfeeding by Kitty Frantz, IBCLC, Dr. Nils Bergman, Dr. Suzanne Colson, Dr. Christina Smillie and others on delivery self attachment, laid-back breastfeeding and Kangaroo Mothercare and more.