Postpartum Doula Training & Certification Program

Heart and Hands Postpartum Doula Training & Certification Program

Programa de capacitación y certificación de Doula posparto de Corazón y Manos

Make a lasting difference in the lives of new mothers and their infants. Help parents adjust to having a newborn baby, and provide emotional support to mothers and help with household duties and infant care.

This course has no affiliation with Elizabeth Davis, LM, CPM, or Heart and Hands Midwifery Workshops.

Dates of Next Courses



Curso Espanol: Winter, 2025 [email us si está interesada]

Location: Pasadena, CA or Online over Zoom



Participants in this class will learn essential skills to provide support to new mothers and care for newborns during the first few months after birth. Postpartum Doulas offer a range of services, including emotional support, physical care, health information, and comfort for new mothers. They also provide guidance on baby care and self-care, and help new mothers gain confidence in their maternal abilities. In addition, Postpartum Doulas may offer breastfeeding support, newborn care instruction, and meal preparation. They also connect families with supportive services in the community.

It’s important to note that African-American, Native-American, and Latina mothers and babies have the highest rates of infant and maternal mortality in the USA, California, and Los Angeles County. Therefore, the role of Postpartum Doulas in saving lives cannot be overstated!


The course is structured around The Biopsychosocial Framework which takes into account biological, psychological, and social factors, and their intricate interplay in comprehending health, illness, and healthcare delivery. This comprehensive approach is endorsed in this course.


Instructional methods include online/web lectures, demonstrations, discussions, experiential processes, role-play exercises, and videos and exercises.

Classes meet for four sessions from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm PST. There will be a 30-minute lunch break each day and two15-minute breaks morning and afternoon.

This can also be offered as an in-service for agency staff  or for community groups. Please feel free to contact us for more information and to schedule.


No prior experience, education, or training is required. Instruction is conducted in English with some Spanish materials (a Spanish instructor and course manual can be provided if requested). Professions who will benefit from this training are:

  • Home visitors working with mothers and infants
  • OB/GYN or Pediatric Medical Assistants
  • WIC Nutrition Workers
  • Perinatal Case Managers & Coordinators
  • Community Health Promoters
  • Parent Coaches
  • Family Health Advocates (FHAs)
  • Early Childhood Intervention Specialists
  • Infant Mental Health Specialists
  • Promatoras de Salud/Community Health Workers
  • Medical Assistants (MAs)
  • Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs)
  • Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVNs)
  • Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs)
  • Home Health Aides (HHAs)
  • Students of maternal-newborn nursing, midwifery, public health, medicine, psychology
  • Pre-School Teachers, Nannies & Babysitters
  • LCSWs/MFTs or Interns or Associates  working with pregnant  women and new mothers
  • Health Educators
  • Childbirth Doulas
  • Midwife Assistants or Midwifery Students
  • Nursing Students
  • Pre-med and medical students who want to practice Pediatrics or Neonatology



Regular Tuition: $1000.00 per person. Materials are included in the course as a downloadable PDF file.

Early Bird Special: $900.00. Opens three months prior to course. Ends two months prior to course.

Group Discounts: $750.00 per person for 4-10 people registering together from one agency (or four friends registering together). Invoicing is available for companies. Please contact us to request invoice.

Student Rates: $550.00 per person. This is for students majoring in public health, nursing, medicine, or midwifery. Student ID required.

Payment Plans: $100.00 per person. Must call to make payment arrangements and be approved. Call (626) 388-2191 ext. 1.

Scholarships: These are available to low-income BIPOC individuals. If you are interested in applying, please contact  or call (626) 388-2191 ext. 1  to request an application and schedule an interview. The selection of candidates will be based on financial need, commitment to the profession, and willingness to volunteer with HMHBA for one year working with three families after completing the training. After certification, candidates will be eligible for employment.

Discounts for Graduates of Birth Doula Training: For graduates of our Community Birth Doula Training, a discount is offered of $850.00 per person.


Participants are required to attend and participate fully in all sessions, including class discussions, skill demonstrations, role-play exercises, and experiential exercises, and complete the certification requirements listed below: 

Within one WEEK, participants will:

  • Complete take-home, open-book written exam. You must score 80% to pass. May retake the exam once if the score is lower than 80%.

Within one YEAR, participants will:

  • Complete an Infant/adult/child CPR course and submit proof of certification.
  • Compile a Community Resource List for families.
  • Write as 1-2 page essay on the Postpartum Doula’s role on the maternity care team and your ambitions and plans in the profession.
  • Assist three families in the postpartum period and submit three parent evaluations and three self-reports. Reporting forms are here:

Client-Doula Evaluation Online Link Icon
Client-Doula Evaluation Online (Spanish Version).

Self-Report Form (Online)

Please note: If requirements are not met within the 1 year time frame, then, candidate will need to retake the course. You can take our online course. 


1. Certification is good for two years. A $100 re-certification fee along with proof of attendance (such as certificate of completion) at a continuing education seminar on any topic covered in this course, OR:

2. Read a scientific, peer-reviewed journal article (written within past 3 years) on any topic covered in this course,  and writing a summary of the article and submitting it.Papers should be 2-3 pages in length, in 11-12 point font, Ariel or New Times Roman, 1.5 spacing. Please use APA Formatting and include a reference list in APA format.



  • The Integral Role of Postpartum Doulas in Maternity Care Teams
  • Overcoming Breastfeeding Barriers: Unraveling Historical, Social, Political, and Personal Obstacles
  • Elevating Breastfeeding: Positive Impacts on Mothers, Infants, Fathers, and Societal Well-being
  • Guidelines and Innovations in Breastfeeding Support
  • Practicum on Effective Communication: The Three Step Strategy
  • Mastering Lactation Fundamentals: Understanding the Anatomy and Physiology of Breastfeeding
  • The Nutritional Wonders of Breastmilk: A Basic Exploration of Nutritional Benefits
  • Promoting Exclusive Breastfeeding: Maximizing Benefits for Both Mother and Child
  • Empowering Mothers to Initiate and Navigate the Breastfeeding Journey Through the First Year and Beyond
  • Addressing Common Breastfeeding Challenges and Nurturing Growing Infants
  • Advocating for Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) for Optimal Newborn Well-being
  • Preventing Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and Promoting Safe Co-Sleeping Practices While  Respecting Cultural Norms
  • Analyzing the Impact of Childbirth Interventions on Breastfeeding Challenges
  • Navigating the Spectrum of Postpartum Adjustments: From Normalcy to Challenges
  • Identifying and Addressing Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMADs)
  • Fostering Informed Decision-Making in Postpartum and Newborn Care
  • Decoding Newborn Behavior States: A Guide for Parents
  • Deciphering Newborn Appearance: Insights for New Parents
  • Deconstructing Newborn Medical Procedures: Empowering Parents with Knowledge
  • Holistic Support for Postpartum Women: Balancing Physical Care and Emotional Well-being
  • Guiding Clients through Perinatal Loss and Birth Trauma: A Compassionate Approach
  • Mastery of Newborn Care Techniques and Soothing Practices
  • Essentials of Diapering, Swaddling, and Bathing Newborns: A Practical Guide
  • Child Development Milestones: Nurturing Growth Through the First Year
  • Attachment Theory Basics: Cultivating Strong Parent-Infant Bonds
  • Embracing a Trauma-Informed Approach to Maternal and Infant Mental Health
  • The Pivotal Role of Postpartum Doulas in Family Transition: Nurturing Bonds
  • Advocating for Perinatal Health Justice: Ensuring Equitable Maternal and Infant Well-being


Cordelia Hanna, MPH, CHES, ICCE, CLE, CBA- Principal Course Leader (English Course), Curriculum Developer
Email:    Phone: (626) 388-2191 ext. 1

CordeliaCordelia Hanna is a highly experienced professional in the field of maternity care, with over 34 years of expertise. She completed her Bachelor’s degree in Theatre and Dance from Indiana University, Bloomington, in 1986, and later obtained her Master’s degree in Public Health (MPH) in Health Education and Promotion/Maternal Child Health from Loma Linda University in Loma Linda, California, in 2008. Currently, she is pursuing her doctorate in Health Psychology at Walden University. Cordelia is a Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES), which is considered the gold standard for professional health educators accredited by the National Commission on Health Education Credentialing (NCHEC). Additionally, she is an ICEA-Certified Childbirth Educator, CAPPA-Certified Lactation Educator, and ALACE-Certified Birth Assistant. She has been teaching Childbirth Preparation Classes and Breastfeeding Education to hundreds of couples of all ethnic backgrounds and socioeconomic status since 1991 in various settings, including private practice, clinics, public health, hospitals, and communities.

Cordelia is a midwife who received training through apprenticeship. She has worked as an Assistant Midwife and Labor Companion/Monitrice in various settings, including homes, birth centers, and hospitals throughout Los Angeles County and Oregon since 1991. Cordelia is passionate about promoting grass-roots health promoters such as breastfeeding peer counselors, doulas, and community midwives to address ethnic health disparities occurring in their communities. These disparities include low rates of breastfeeding, high rates of prematurity cesarean section, and maternal and infant mortality that occur in communities of color. Cordelia has a global perspective on maternal-child health but focuses on taking local action.

Cordelia worked as a Perinatal Health Educator and Promoter for The Pasadena Public Health Department’s Black Infant Health Program from 2002 to 2012. The program was funded by the California Department of Health to reduce African-American/Black perinatal health disparities. Here, she collaborated with her mentor the late Ms. Geraldine Perry-Williams, PHN, MSN, CD, CLE, LCCE, to launch and manage a Breastfeeding Peer Counselor Program. They also established the first-ever Community-Based Doula Program for African-American/Black families in Los Angeles County. This program was successful in reducing the high rates of infant mortality and cesarean section among Pasadena’s African-American population.

Between 2014 and 2019, Cordelia collaborated with Esperanza Community Housing Corporation’s Promatora de Salud/Community Health Worker Program in South Los Angeles and the Harbor Corridor. Her role involved providing training on perinatal health and Doula support to Community Health Promoters/Promotores de Salud working in South Los Angeles. This region is known for having some of the highest rates of maternal and infant mortality, which can be attributed to negative social determinants of health.

Cordelia is a mother of two children who were born at home, breastfed, and slept in the family bed. They have now grown up to become bright and capable young adults. Cordelia is also a grandmother of two granddaughters and a grandson. Her life partner is from Ghana, West Africa, and together they enjoy an international lifestyle that spans two continents.

Tai Carson, BA, CPSS, CPD, CMA

Email: Phone: (626) 388-2191 ext. 3

Tai CarsonTai is a retired midwife with over 35 years experience who hass attended over 700 births. She is the Coordinator of Happy Mama Healthy Baby’s Nurturing Roots Postpartum Doula Service for Black Families. Born and raised in Los Angeles she comes from a mixed heritage of African, Asian, and European backgrounds. Tai has over three decades of  experience in maternity and newborn care, as well as general healthcare. She currently focuses on postpartum doula support and palliative care. Ms. Carson has a Bachelor’s degree in Health and Human Services from California State University, Los Angeles, along with an Associate’s Certificate in Counseling Psychology. Additionally, she is a Registered Medical Assistant in Washington State, where she worked at a rural primary health clinic.Tai is a certified Postpartum Doula, Certified Perinatal Support Specialist, Certified Childbirth Educator. From 1999 to 2005, she was the owner/midwife at The Hollywood Birth Center in Los Angeles, where she trained several apprentices and doulas. She has worked in home birth and birth center midwifery practices in Washington, Los Angeles, and Mt. Shasta, California.  As a perinatal health educator, Tai served as a trainer for Birth Emergency Skills Training (B.E.S.T.) and co-conducted Happy Mama Healthy Baby Alliance’s  Perinatal Support Specialist Training at Esperanza Community Housing Corporation’s Promotora de Salud Program from 2013 to 2015. “As a woman of color, doula, health educator, midwife and a maternal-infant health advocate, I am dedicated to eradicating health disparities among childbearing women of color in my community. I am thrilled to work on programs aimed at improving  perinatal health inequities,” says Ms. Carson.



Ines “Augie” Rigual, CD, CPD, IBCLC, LCCE (Spanish Course)

Phone: (321) 287-4833 Email: 

Augie Rigual es Doula Avanzada de DONA y está certificada con DONA International desde hace 15 años, habiendo trabajado también en el Comité de Certificación de DONA International. Implementó y supervisó un programa de doulas comunitarias en el condado de Osceola, Florida, durante seis años a través de una subvención del Fondo Onza de Prevención de Florida, habiendo logrado la meta de reducir la tasa de cesáreas en un 14 % durante los primeros dos años en dos hospitales. en el condado A través de este programa comunitario de doulas, brindaron educación sobre el parto y servicios de doulas a las reclusas de la cárcel del condado de Osceola en Florida. Augie se convirtió en capacitadora de doulas de nacimiento en 2013 y ha estado ofreciendo capacitaciones principalmente en Puerto Rico, donde dos de los hospitales ya han capacitado a la mayoría de sus enfermeras de trabajo de parto y parto en un esfuerzo por reducir las tasas de cesáreas del hospital. Estas capacitaciones en hospitales han incluido médicos que han sido educados sobre lo que realmente es una doula y entienden el trabajo de la doula. Se ha capacitado en la República Dominicana, donde un médico obstetra se capacitó y ahora es una entrenadora de DONA Doula para su país. Augie ha estado ofreciendo capacitaciones de DONA Birth Doula en español en otros estados que tienen grandes comunidades hispanas como Utah y Carolina del Norte. Como educadora de parto de Lamaze durante los últimos 18 años, Augie ofrece clases de educación de parto en inglés y español semanalmente para dos departamentos de salud del condado en Florida. En 2010, Augie se certificó como IBCLC y se recertificó en 2015. Estableció el Grupo de Posparto CAFÉ en el Hospital Winnie Palmer para Mujeres y Bebés y este programa se extendió al Departamento de Salud del Condado de Osceola, Florida, donde el grupo todavía se reúne todos los miércoles por la mañana. . El CAFÉ no solo ofrece apoyo para la lactancia sino también apoyo posparto en general y se ha convertido en el lugar donde las mamás sienten que pueden ayudar a otras mamás y sentirse bien consigo mismas. CAFÉ significa Compasión, Apoyo (Apoyo), Fe y Educación. Augie es el especialista en programas de la Coalición Healthy Start del condado de Osceola, Florida.




Contact: Cordelia Hanna, CEO/Executive Director

Telephone: (626) 388-2191 ext. 3 or Email:


Cancellation must be made in writing by the deadline (30 days before the course). Tuition will be reimbursed less the $50.00 administrative fee if notification is received by this date. After this date, there will be no refunds. However, in extenuating circumstances such as documented illness or emergency, the tuition is fully transferable to another person or training (this course or another topic); credit is good for the amount of training. The additional balance will be required if the course is registered at a higher price. If it is a lower price, the balance will not be refunded. Credit will be honored for one year from the training. If used by that time, the credit will stay active.

Particular Cancellation Policy for Doulas: If you are “on call” and have a birth during the training, please notify the instructor as soon as possible that you will not attend. The total tuition will be transferred to another person or different training (this course or another topic) to be used within one year of the training date. The additional balance will be required if the course is registered at a higher price. If it is a lower price, the balance will not be refunded.