Perinatal Health & Human Services Professional Training, Development & Consultation
Evidence-Based, Trauma-Informed, Celebrating Diversity and Promoting Social Justice in Maternity Care
We provide staff training to support your perinatal program clients in gaining confidence for birthing, breastfeeding and parenting.
We help public health and human services organizations reach goals for maternal and child health and address health inequities and disparities.
We inspire your staff’s commitment to service, excellence, and evidence-based, respectful maternity care.
Happy Mama Healthy Baby Alliance (HMHBA)
HMHBA is a community-based, non-governmental organization (NGO) located in Los Angeles, California, USA and Accra, Ghana, West Africa. We are 501 (c) (3) non-profit public charity 509 (a) (2), our IRS name is Wholistic Midwifery School of Southern California, founded in 1993.
We are diverse, multidisciplinary perinatal and mental health professionals united in a common vision to promote maternal/parental and infant health, improve maternity care quality and access, reduce perinatal health disparities and achieve social justice in maternal and infant health. Our training programs and projects are evidence-based, trauma-informed, and celebrate diversity and promote social justice.
Our organization has been a training leader of the mental health and social service workforce of Los Angeles servicing mothers, infants and children since 2010. We have trained over 400 persons to work as perinatal health educators, birth and postpartum Doulas. Graduates of our trainings have enhanced abilities to work with perinatal populations.
We work with ministries of health, clinics, hospitals, public health departments, non-profit and non-governmental organizations, birth centers, federally-qualified health centers (FQHCs), OB-GYN physicians, midwives and mental health and social service providers and advocacy groups.
- Ensure that your clinic or community-based program stands above those run-of-the mill programs and attract more clients!
- Empower your perinatal staff with the knowledge and skills to provide quality, maternal-child health education and support to your program clients.
- Train your staff on evidence-based maternity care practices
- Achieve program goals to reduce perinatal health disparities and public health objectives for maternal and infant health.
To promote high-quality, family-centered, evidence-based, respectful maternity and newborn care, and improved health outcomes for all childbearing persons and their babies.
Our work focuses on addressing health care disparities and to engendering birthing justice for all pregnant women, persons and their infants. As ethnically diverse, multidisciplinary professionals serving pregnant and parenting families, we offer Doula services, childbirth preparation classes, lactation support, breastfeeding education classes, and maternal-infant mental health workshops and support groups for mothers and fathers.
We also offer professional training, certification, learning and networking opportunities for mental health and perinatal health professionals.
Our focus areas are:
- Training, Certification and Continuing Education Programs for Health & Human Service Professionals
- Childbirth Doula and Postpartum Doula Services
- Breastfeeding Support Services
- Promoting Maternal Mental Health and Infant Mental Health
- Engendering Birthing Justice for All Childbearing Persons
- Amplifying the voices of Black, Indigenous and other persons of color and LBGTQIA+ persons about their experiences in maternity care.
Our courses are built upon the work of leading maternal-infant health experts. Our trainings integrate the latest evidence-based, trauma-informed maternal and infant mental health information highlighting the importance of maternal-parental wellness on child mental and physical health.
Our courses and practices are based on psychologist George Engel’s biopsychosocial framework which is touted by leading doctors and health researchers such as Dr. Gabor Mate, MD, Dr. Gordon Neufeld, Ph.D., Dr. Sarah Buckley, MD, and Dr. James McKenna, Ph. D. and Dr. Nils Bergman, MD, among others, as a “new paradigm” in client-centered maternal-infant healthcare delivery.
As advocates for families and babies, we seek to ensure that all childbearing persons are treated with dignity and respect during the pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum periods.
- We promote a self-growth approach to pregnancy; which is a special and unique time in a woman’s and a person’s life.
- We believe each pregnant woman or person should be surrounded by a loving and supportive community and each baby should be born into the hands of skilled, compassionate and respectful caregivers.
- We protect the Mother/Baby dyad whose needs are mutually dependent.
- We are reverent of the sacred nature of birth and are inspired by its potential to transform women, relationships, families, and communities.
- We strive to improve birth outcomes for women and infants where perinatal health disparities and inequities exist.
- We aim to improve the quality of maternity and newborn care in all settings.
- We are dedicated to helping families have empowering, satisfying and joyous experiences from conception through gestation, childbirth, and early parenthood.
- Informed consent and refusal in maternity care–not only is it responsible and ethical. Because women who felt they had decision-making power during birth had improved self-esteem and better bonding with their babies and reduced maternal depression.
- Alternative choices in childbirth such as homebirth, waterbirth, birth centers and midwife-assisted birth and Doula support are evidence-based solutions for addressing long-standing perinatal health disparities and should be funded and encouraged for those who are good candidates for this type of care.
- Physiological childbirth is the best approach–it’s natural and normal, and results in healthy outcomes for mothers and infants.
- Breastfeeding has long-term benefits for women and children, it protects and improves maternal and infant health for a lifetime and is also eco-friendly. Programs to support exclusive breastfeeding should be implemented.
- Awareness of spiritual and emotional aspects of birthing is valuable for birthing persons and their care-providers to address in maternity care.
- Historical traumas and injustices in women’s health care among BIPOC persons has a lasting impact on birth outcomes; as such, maternity care providers should understand these influences on birth outcomes and strive to provide respectful and culturally sensitive care for birthing persons.
- Awareness of the influence of the woman’s social environment on pregnancy, birthing, and breastfeeding through a biopsychosocial framework should be modeled in all perinatal programs.
- Partner involvement is essential in maternity care, the birthing process and during the child’s early life. Fathers and partners should be supported as much as mothers and birthing persons.
- Complimentary modalities for pregnancy and childbirth such as acupuncture, chiropractic, herbology, have benefits to pregnant women and should be integrated into OB/GYN care.
- Parental-child attachment is essential for normal development of children and should be promoted through attachment parenting practices.
Health or social service providers who work with pregnant women and families of children under age three including:
- CPSP Workers
- Home Visitors
- Case Managers
- Community Health Outreach Workers
- Family Health Advocates
- Certified Doulas
- Registered Nurses
- Certified Nursing Assistants
- Medical Assistants
- Peer Counselors
- Health Educators
- Public Health Students
- Nursing Students
- Aspiring Midwives
- MFTs
- Psychologists
- Teachers
- Nurse Practitioners
- Lactation Educators & Childbirth Educators
- Scripp’s Center for Translational Research Power Mom Study, San Diego, CA
- Venice Family Clinic, Venice, CA
- Wellnest Emotional Support & Wellbeing, South Los Angeles, CA
- Black Women Birthing Justice, Oakland, CA
- Human Rights in Childbirth, Portland, OR
- Therapeutic Play Foundation, Pasadena, CA
- Health & Human Services Association of Martin & Faribault County, Blue Earth, MN
Doula Training is Available
- Heluna Health, City of Industry, CA
- Nile Sisters Development Association, San Diego, CA
- Prototypes Health Right 360, Pomona, CA
- Fremont County Breastfeeding Coalition, Canon, Colorado
- El Nido Family Services, Los Angeles, CA
- Pacific Clinics, Los Angeles, CA
- Childcare Resource Center, Los Angeles, CA
- Human Services Association, Bell Gardens, CA
- Health Net, Inc. – Los Angeles, CA
- Fresno Department of Public Health, Fresno, CA
- Esperanza Community Housing Corporation , Promatora de Salud/Community Health Promoter Program – Los Angeles, CA
- UCLA Center for Health Promotion, Neighborhood Mother-Mentor Program – Pico Union Neighborhood of Los Angeles. CA
- Maternal Child Health Access, Welcome Baby! Pilot Program, Los Angeles, CA
- University Muslim Medical Association (UMMA) Clinic – South Los Angeles, CA
- Pediatric Therapy Network , Torrance, CA
- Community Health Alliance of Pasadena (CHAP) Clinic, Pasadena, CA
- Pasadena Public Health Department Black Infant Health Program, Pasadena, CA
- Benevolence Industries Inc. Central Medical Clinic, Crenshaw District, Los Angeles, CA
- All Care One Health Center Inc., San Fernando Valley & East Los Angeles, CA
- Prototypes Black Infant Health Program, Pomona, CA
Our trainings are conducted in-person in Los Angeles, CA. We can bring our training to your worksite. Courses can be customized to any length of time, budget or format. During Covid-19 trainings are being offered virtually over Zoom to anywhere in the world!.

Mother-Friendly Childbirth Symposium, California Endowment Center, Los Angeles, CA (2014)
Professional Conferences
Happy Mama Healthy Baby Alliance (formerly The Association for Wholistic Maternal and Newborn Health) sponsors professional conferences, webinars, seminars, panel discussions, film screenings and other educational opportunities and community-building activities for perinatal and mental health professionals.
Review our 2017 Seminar: Life in the Womb and Its Lasting Impact
Review our 2016 U.S. Summit on Human Rights in Childbirth: Birthing Justice Forum and MCH Awards Recognition Ceremony
Review our 2015 Conference: Protecting the MotherBaby Dyad: Innovation in Maternity Care
Review our 2014 Conference: Medicine & Midwifery: Bridging the Gap
Happy Mama Healthy Baby Alliance offers maternal-child health education and consultation and in-service training for Community Health Clinics, Federally-Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), Hospitals, Public Health Departments, Maternal-Child Health Programs and Obstetrician Medical Offices.
Trainings and Seminars Offered

Perinatal Support Specialist Doula Training, Esperanza Community Housing Corporation, South Los Angeles, CA (2017)
- Perinatal Support Specialist Training & Certification Program
- Postpartum Doula Training & Certification Program
- Breastfeeding Peer Counselor Training & Certification Program
- Childbirth Educator Training for Health Professionals & Certification Program
- The Impact of Intergenerational Trauma on Birth Outcomes
- Female Genital Cutting: What Maternity Professionals Need to Know
- Natural Family Planning
Trainings can also be developed to meet your specific staff training needs. Please contact us for details.
Maternal-Child Health Consultation
We provide consultation to clinics, health plans, funders, hospitals, non-governmental organizations, ministries of health, public health departments, etc. to improve your Maternal-Child Health programming to deliver quality, evidence-based maternal and infant health programming. Focusing on staff training and development, we can assist directors and managers in developing quality programs that make a difference in the population you serve. Our specialty is helping agencies develop their Community-Based Doula Program.
Services Offered
- Developing your Community-Based Doula Program. We can provide training, recruitment, management and partner in qualitative evaluation of your program.
- Comprehensive Perinatal Support Services (CPSP) Protocol Review (Health Education Consultant and Psychosocial Consultant)
- Consultation for perinatal care management – helping you set up your prenatal or doula program
- Developing prenatal protocols
- Training prenatal support staff and health educators on Medi-Cal CPSP (weight grids, individualized care plans, Steps to Take, and motivational interviewing for client health behavior change)
- Chart Audits for prenatal programs
- Setting up a hospital-based doula program
- Multidisciplinary care coordination with team of perinatal health workers, case managers, clinicians (Nurse-Practitioners, Physician Assistants, Medical Doctors)
- Establishing a prenatal program at your agency –everything you need to set it up and make it stand out, setting your clinic’s program apart from your competitors “run of the mill” programs.
- Chart Audits – Medi-Cal Comprehensive Perinatal Services Program (CPSP) Prenatal Chart Auditing
- Developing evidence-based perinatal practices in hospital, clinic or community setting
- Mental Health and Perinatal Psychosocial Issues
- Focus Group Facilitation & Survey Development
- Planning and Evaluation of Prenatal Programs
- Midwifery Care and Doula Support Service Integration
- Community mobilization in evidence-based maternity care
- Perinatal policy & resource development
- Perinatal program/project planning & implementation
- Curriculum development/adaptation for women’s and children’s health programs and perinatal health programs
- Development and adaptation of Health Education materials for perinatal programs
- Integration of service systems from clinic to hospital
Other Services Offered
- Chart Audits and staff training for your Medi-Cal Comprehensive Perinatal Support Services (CPSP) Program
- Development, management and evaluation of agency’s Community Doula Program
- Multidisciplinary Care Coordination with Clinicians (MDs, NPs, PAs, CNMs, etc.) and Paraprofessional staff including CPHWs, Case Managers, Medical Assistants (MA’s)
- Development of Prenatal Education Materials
- Childbirth Preparation Classes for Clients
- Breastfeeding Education Classes for Clients
- Support and Discussion Group Facilitation for Prenatal Patients and Postpartum Patients
- Birth & Postpartum Doula Support and Breastfeeding Peer Counselors for your patients/program clients
- Media interviews (evidence-based maternity care, cesarean prevention, midwifery and Doula Support)
- Poster Presentations on Maternal Child Health Topics
- Presentations at conferences and seminars
- Panel Discussions
- Plenary presentations and webinars
- In-service training for Staff Development
- Patient Prenatal Education Content for Company Website Integration
- Continuing education opportunities for RNs and MDs and CHES
- Academic course development and guest lectures (sociology, nursing, women’s studies, anthropology, public health, contemporary health, human sexuality, child development)
Cordelia Hanna, MPH, CHES, Executive Director
(626) 388-2191 ext. 1