2015 Mother-Friendly Childbirth Initiative Symposium
A Conference & Live Webinar for Perinatal Professionals
Wednesday and Thursday, October 14 & 15, 2015
The 4th Annual MFCI Symposium explored new and innovative approaches in maternity care to protect the MotherBaby Dyad and discuss emerging issues in perinatal health from a socioecological perspective.
Sponsored by:
The Association for Wholistic Maternal and Newborn Health (AWMNH)
California Nurse Midwives Association – Los Angeles Chapter
CEUs were offered for MFT, LCSW, CHES, RN, CNM, LM/CPM, IBCLC, CLE, CCE
California Endowment Center for Healthy Communities
1000 N. Alameda Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Session Videos are Available for Pay-Per-View. Contact us for Details.
Wednesday, October 14 • 2:15pm – 3:30pm (Film) & 3:30pm-5:00pm (Lecture)
“Freedom for Birth” is a 58 minute documentary that reframes women’s birthing rights as one of the most pressing human rights issues in the world today. “Freedom For Birth” is more than just a film. It marks the beginning of a movement that will focus global attention on the violations of women’s rights during childbirth.
This 90 minute documentary film and a lecture by Hermine Hayes-Klien, JD, of Human Rights and Childbirth may be purchased as a stand alone ticket ($25)
Hosted by
The Association for Wholistic Maternal and Newborn Health (AWMNH)
Protecting the MotherBaby-Dyad – Innovation in Maternity Care
- Dr. Christine H. Morton, Ph.D.
- Dr Sarah J Buckley MB, ChB, Dip Obst
- Hermine Hayes-Klien, JD
- Dr. Laila Al-Marayati, MD, FACOG
- Kittie Frantz, RNP, CPNP-PC
- Dr. David Ghozland, MD, FACOG, OB/GYN Physician
- Aida Simonian, MSN, RNC-NIC, SCM, SRN
- Kerin Asher-Galloway, CNM, MSN
- Paula X. Rojas, LM, CPM
- Luz Chacon, MPH, CLE
- Cordelia Hanna, MPH, CHES, ICCE, CLE, CBA
- Kimberly Durdin, IBCLC,Student Midwife
- Monica Lundry, RN, BSN
- Nan Strauss, JD
- Michele Giordano
- Linda V. Walsh CNM, MPH, Ph.D., FACNM
- Jo Burkhard, MBA
- Paula Meier, PhD, RN, FAAN
- Cheryl Baker, CCE, CD, CLE
- Stephanie Dawn
- Dr. Ruth Meilke, CNM, Ph.D.
- Khefri Riley, CD, CPD, CPYT
Purpose of The Conference

Nurse-Midwives Vanessa Nicolas (left) and Ginny Gladwin (Right): Sisters on a Journey
To galvanize the perinatal community to harmoniously work together to create multidiscliplinary maternity care teams committed to forwarding the action towards a mother-and baby-centered, collaborative model of maternity care in Los Angeles County.
Physicians, Midwives, Doulas, Nurses, Childbirth Educators, Academics, Researchers, Funders, Public Health Professionals, Community Perinatal Health Workers, and others.
Purpose of the Symposium
1) Discuss the benefits of the Mother-Friendly Childbirth Initiative (MFCI) for hospitals, clinics, mothers, infants, and clinicians
2) Provide a forum for discussion among nurses, doctors, doulas, childbirth educators, midwives, administrators and others on the challenges and opportunities of implementing mother-friendly care in the clinical or hospital setting.
3) Provide a forum for dissemination of evidence-based best practices for maternity care.
4) Support clinics, hospitals and community-based programs in developing plans of action to shift the thinking in their organizations towards mother-friendly care and develop multidisciplinary coordinated networks of maternity care providers.
5) Practitioners and students of maternity care will obtain an objective understanding of the collision of worldviews and belief systems when the medical and midwifery models of maternity care intersect.
6) Participants will describe how the perinatal community as a whole can best collaborate to provide optimal care for mothers and infants based on the principals of the MFCI and the evidence-based practices available as outlined in the 10 steps of the Mother-Friendly Childbirth Initiative (MFCI).
The Association for Wholistic Maternal and Newborn Health (AWMNH)
A community-based 501 (c) (3) non-profit public charity 509 (a) (2) located in Los Angeles, California. We are perinatal professionals joined together with a common vision to promote maternal and infant health, improve maternity care services, and reduce perinatal health disparities in Los Angeles County.
We also provide support and education for expectant parents including birth doula support, childbirth education, postpartum doula care and breastfeeding counseling.
Our board and advisory committee, volunteers and consultants have expertise in family medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, maternal mental health, maternity and newborn nursing, midwifery, lactation support, public health, health promotion, Doula support and childbirth education. We also sponsor networking and training opportunities for maternity care professionals.
Our Mission
To increase access, awareness and availability of MotherBaby-Friendly Maternity Care. We are also committed to social justice in birth.
Our Work
The Association of Wholistic Maternal and Newborn Health focuses on the intersection of public health and midwifery to address healthcare disparities and to engender a more equitable maternity care system for all women and infants. Our focus areas are:
- Education for Birth Preparation and Cultural Change
- Advocacy for Maternal-Infant Healthcare Policy Reform
- Expanding Access to MotherBaby-Friendly Maternity Care
Mission of the Coalition for Improving Maternity Services
CIMS is an international coalition of individuals and organizations with concern for the care and well-being of mothers, babies, and families. CIMS mission is to: “promote a wellness model of maternity care that will improve birth outcomes and substantially reduce costs. This evidence-based mother-, baby-, and family-friendly model focuses on prevention and wellness as the alternatives to high-cost screening, diagnosis, and treatment programs”.
“The evidence-based Mother-Friendly Childbirth Initiative (MFCI) evolved from the collaborative effort of many individuals and more than 26 organizations focused on pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding during meetings spanning nearly three years in the 1990′. The MFCI – the cornerstone of our mission – is the first and only consensus document on U.S. maternity care.” The scientific evidence supporting the MFCI was published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Perinatal Education in 2007.
Evidence Basis for the Ten Steps of Mother-Friendly Care in the Journal of Perinatal Education, 2007, Issue 16, a Special Supplement Download now
31 individuals and 26 organizations representing over 90,000 members ratified the Mother-Friendly Childbirth Initiative (MFCI) on July 1, 1996 These original signers (or “Ratifiers”) of the MFCI are listed here.
Benefits of The Mother-Friendly Childbirth Initiative for Hospitals, Clinics, Doctors, Nurses and Families
1) Increased patient satisfaction resulting in better compliance to medical recommendations and improved outcomes
2) Increased job satisfaction among nurses; helps to retain qualified staff and reduce turnover
3) Improvement in quality of care (evidence-based practices resulting in better outcomes for mothers and infants)
4) Cost-savings to hospitals because of shorter labors and less medical interventions
5) For doctors, clinics and hospitals, increased patient satisfaction results in repeat business and word-of-mouth recommendations
- Professional Networking
- Midwives & Doulas: Beth Cannon, LM, CPM, Kimberly Durdin, IBCLC & Britta Bushnell
- Engaged Attendees Listening to Presentation
- Amoy Jacques, R. Kin., MPH-C, Student Intern
- Dr. Stuart Fischbein, MD, FACOG
- Kitty Frantz, RNP
- Angela Leon, Student Midwife
- Attendee Asking a Question
- Cordelia Hanna, MPH, Executive Director
- Attendees Engaged in the Session
- Attendees at Conference Enjoying the Presentation
- Post-Conference Dinner at Olvera Street
- Marisol Rosales-Mendez, at Women of Color Panel
- Volunteers and Attendees at Dinner at Olvera Street
- Dr. Paula Meier: Supporting the High-Risk Mother-Baby Dyad
- Panel Discussion: Women of Color’s Experiences in Maternity Care
- Amoy Jacques, R. Kin, MPH-Intern, 2015
- Dr. Christine Morton & Hermine Hayes-Klien, JD
- Volunteers & Speakers at Olvera Street: Cheryl Baker, CD, Tatiana Rubio, Lic. Ac., Melissa O’Keefe, CLE & Debi Benton, Midwife Assistant
- Birth Activists Alliance! Stephanie Dawn, Cordelia Hanna, Jen Kamel, Dawn Thompson
- Kimberly Durdin, IBCLC, Future Midwife, Speaking on Women of Color’s Experiences in Maternity Care
- Attendees Engaged in Networking: Wendy Silvers & Davi Khalsa, CNM
Corporate Sponsorships, Exhibitor Tables, and Conference Packet Inserts are available.
Tax-deductible donations of any amount are accepted. Your company can sponsor the lunch or reception.
Please email or call Melissa O’Keefe at 626-388-2191 ext. 2 for more information.
- US Army Health Care Exhibit
- Breastfeed L.A. Exhibit
- Dushenay Pharmaceuticals Exhibit
Visit the Facebook Event Page for The MFCI Symposium 2014 for more photos and comments from attendees